Author Guidelines
The Haryana Journal of Agronomy welcomes concise papers presenting original research or methodology The Haryana Journal of Agronomy welcomes concise papers presenting original research or methodology from authors throughout the world in agronomy and allied fields. The Executive Committee and the Editorial Board wish to continue the policy of the Journal, since its foundation in 1984. The Editors must be informed, if any of the material submitted has been published elsewhere. If a paper is accepted, it must not be published elsewhere in the same form. Work based on one-year experimentation will normally be considered as a Short Communication.

Paper should be submitted to Secretary, Haryana Agronomists Association, Department of Agronomy, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India.

SCRIPTS. Manuscripts written in English, should be typed in double spacing on one side of the paper with a margin of at least 2.5 cm on all sides. On line submission is preferred at, else submit hard copies to either Secretary or Chief Editor, Department of Agronomy, CCS HAU, Hisar-125 004, India.

LAYOUT AND STYLE. Authors are advised to use the format adopted in recent issues of Haryana Journal of Agronomy. A simple direct style of writing is preferred. Spelling should conform to that given in the Concise Oxford Dictionary. The manuscript is usually assembled in the following order : title, author(s) with affiliation, abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, and references.

TITLE PAGE. The title should be informative, but concise and should not contain abbreviations. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word, other than scientific name(s). Authors should give full initials and surnames in the second line below the title (in caps), followed by affiliation/address of the institution where the research work was conducted and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

ABSTRACT. Placed at the beginning of the text, the abstract must be in a single paragraph assimilating the salient features/findings, should briefly indicate the experimental methodology (including year and place), but without repeating the wording of the title. Abstract should be limited to 300 words.

KEY WORDS. Include at least three key words that describe the MS contents, without repeating words from the title.

TEXT. The introduction should set the work in perspective, present only essential background, and include a concise statement of the objectives. Relevant details should be given of the experimental materials and design, and the techniques and statistical methods used. Numerical results should be shown in the tables and not repeated in the text. Metric and SI units should be used e. g. kg/ha, mg/1. Experimental details and results should be reported in the past tense. The Discussion should draw together the results and should briefly relate the author's results to other work on the subject and give the author's conclusions. Footnotes should be avoided. All abbreviations used should be fully explained at first mention.

TABLES AND FIGURES. Typed in double space on separate sheets, numbered consecutively in the same order as they are mentioned/discussed in the text. Numerical results should be displayed as means with their relevant standard errors and critical differences. The title should fully describe the contents of the Table and explain any abbreviations used in it. Experimental data may be presented in either table or figures, but not both. Figures should be restricted to the display of results where a large number of values are presented and inter- Haryana Journal of Agronomy 78 pretation would be more difficult in a Table format. Figures should be of good quality, with full legend, describing the figure(s) and giving a key to all the symbols on it.

REFERENCES. In the text, a reference should be quoted by the author's name and date in parentheses, in date order, e. g. (Singh, 1994; Singh, 1998). Where there are three or more authors, the first name followed by et al. should be used. A list of references should be given at the end of the text listing, in alphabetical order, surname of authors and initials (in capitals), year of publication, title of paper, name of journal as in CAB International Serials Checklist, volume, and first and last pages of the reference; the place of publication and publisher (and Editors(s) if appropriate) for books and conference proceedings should be included. Examples : In text. Singh 1994; Singh 1994a, b; Singh & Malik (1993); (Singh, 1998); (Singh & Malik, 1993); Singh et al. (2006); Singh et al. (in press); (Singh et al, in press); K. P. Singh (unpublished); (K. P. Singh, unpublished); R. K. Mailk (Personal Communications); (R. K Malik, Personal Communications).

In the Reference list. Balyan, R. S. and V. M. Bhan. 1986. Germination of horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) in relation to temperature, storage conditions and seedling depths. Weed Sci. 34 : 513-515.

Kaur, A. 1990. Quality improvement of wheat through scheduling under different sowing date. M. Sc. thesis, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India.

Pannu, R. K., Bangarwa, A. S., Yadav, S. K. and Pahuja, S. S. 2008. Practical crop production programme at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. In : Proc. Nat. Symp., New Paradigms in Agronomic Res., pp. 297. Navasari, Gujrat, India : Indian Society of Agronomy.

Scott, R. K. and Jaggard, K. W. 1993. Crop physiology and agronomy. In : The Sugar Beet Crop : Science into Practice (Eds. D. A. Cooke & R. K. Scott), pp. 179-237. London : Chapman & Hall.

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